Nomological Net

Stray thoughts from here and there. The occasional concern for construct validity. No more logic. Fish.


faults in the clouds of delusion

Saturday, May 05, 2012

A fellows that has speciality

Fwd: Join JOC as Editorial Member

Dear Fellows

Greetings from our journal and whole team. We are running a quarterly journal "The journal of Commerce" under the banner of Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Hailey College is the premier institute of commerce and business education in sub-continent and was established in 1927. Since than it has been contributing alot for the development of region. In its enlightened history it contains names of finance ministers as well as prime ministers of both Pakistan and India.

Keeping its traditions alive, Journal of Commerce was launched in June 2006. For few years it was dormant due to some unavoidable reasons, but it again arose in 2010. Since than its quarterly issue have been launched. We are now expanding our operations. In order to do so we are increasing our editorial presentation. We looked at your profile and found you a fellows that has speciality to work for our journal, we therefore want to invite you to join our editorial team.

If you are interest to join our editorial team, you can send us your latest CV at following email:


You can visit journal/college site for further details:


Blogger gaddeswarup said...

Glad to see two posts in a week. Here is a recent read that you may enjoy, if you have not already read it.
Sheila Dhar " Raga'n Josh" with bits available at google books.

6/06/2012 2:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Webmaster,

I recently received notice from Google that my website has been assessed a penalty after they "detected unnatural links" pointing to my website A copy of that email has been included at the end of this correspondence. The only way that Google will consider placing my website back in their index is by getting these links removed. I REALLY NEED your help!

Following are the details of where the links can be found on your site:

Failure to remove the link would require me to file a "Disavow Links" report with Google. My concern is that if I submit your site, in this report to Google, they may "flag" your site. That is the last thing I want is to have another webmaster go through this grief!

Your prompt attention to this matter, along with a confirmation the link has been removed, would be HIGHLY appreciated.

Sorry for the hassle & thanks ind advance for your help.

3/16/2015 12:42 PM  

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